Welcome to my Portfolio

I'm glad you took time to check out my work!

Bellow you will find some of my personal projects, separated in three categories. FrontEnd, Data Visualization and BackEnd. Please click the project card to interact with the apps. The Dungeon Crawler and the Game Of Live are definitely my favorites.

Front End

HTML * CSS * JavaScript * JQuery * Bootstrap



This is a calculator made with JavaScript. You can use it like you would use a normal calculator. It does the basic calculations.


Tic Tac Toe

The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.


Simon Game

A game of memory skill. The computer creates a series of tones and lights and requires a user to repeat the sequence.



A timer to divide work into intervals (pomodoros), traditionally 25 minutes each, separated by short breaks.

It's amazing what you can do with a bit of code. It's just like magic... If you can Imagine it, you can build it. In this magical world, you can bring your wildest dreams to life if you are crazy enough. They say “the ones fool enough to think they can change the world, are usually the one that do”.

Data Visualization

React * React-Bootstrap * HTML * CSS * JavaScript


Dungeon Crawler

Role-playing game in which a hero navigates a labyrinthine environment, battling various enemies, and looting any treasure he may find.


Game of Life

Cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. Evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input.


Recipe Box

Create, edit or delete recipes that have names and ingredients. Uses browser local storage to save the recipes so you can refresh the page.


Markdown Preview

You can type GitHub-flavored Markdown into the text area on the left and see a preview of the output of the markdown that is updated on the right as you type.

If you feel the magic and you want to learn how to code, feel free to contact-me. I'll be happy to share some knowledge and point you in the right direction.

Back End

Node * Express * Mongo DB * HTML * CSS * JavaScript


Time Stamp

Pass a string as a parameter, and it will check to see whether that string contains either a unix timestamp or a natural language date. If it does, it returns both the Unix timestamp and the natural language form of that date.


Header Parser

When you press the button you will get information about your system like the IP address, language, operating system and the browser your using. Don't be afraid. I promise it won't hurt your machine.


Image Search

You can get the image URLs, alt text and page urls for a set of images relating to a given search string. You can paginate through the responses. You can get a list of the most recently submitted search strings.


URL Shortener

You can pass a URL and receive a shortened URL. If you pass an invalid URL, the JSON response will contain an error instead. When you visit that shortened URL, it will redirect you to your original link.

My Story

Anyone can learn how to code!

I haven't been a developer all my life you know? I worked in a Environmental Laboratory for 12 years. I was doing chemical analisis and I loved it but... I wasn't learning anything new anymore and every day seemed the same.

So I decided to "take the red pill" and learn to code. My journey started at freeCodeCamp. It's a non profit organization that teaches people from all over the world how to code for free. In a week or two I was hooked.

Along the way I started to meet the most awesome and dedicated people, that kept me motivated. I was amazingly welcomed to the Algarve tech community by other developers.

Now I'm learning new and awesome stuff every day. I’m having lots of fun building cool things in the edge of technology. Just imagine, they pay people to do this!